One important aspect of fellowship is across the table eating food and sharing communion together! Every second Sunday of the month we enjoy Breaking Bread together. 12pm at Pimpama & 12.30pm at Nerang. Come along to a shared lunch where you bring a plate of food and enjoy communion and fellowship with one another.

Banquet 5
Gold Coast Chapel along with various other churches and ministries supports Banquet5 in helping to provide a grazing table of nourishment for your Spirit, Soul and Body with the aim to equip you for the work of ministry. Equip is a powerful word that has a depth to it which includes the ideas of restoring, retraining, practicing and refurbishing.
BANQUET 5 started in 2021 with the view to serve all people on the Gold Coast. This is not by one church or for one church or even about a church. This is for ‘the church’ no matter where someone’s fellowship may or may not be. The aim is to lift the spiritual water level on the Coast and the maturity of believers, seeing greater edification to the Body of Christ.
We encourage you to invite someone along to enjoy a course from the banquet together. You are welcome to participate in as many as you like, maybe out of interest, for more understanding, to be challenged or the need for fresh revelation; but for whatever reason, see each course through to the end.
This is just the beginning; be patient, walk the journey. It’s a step, a seed, a drop of water into this beautiful City in which we live.
Visit BANQUET5 for more information.